Sunday, April 10, 2011

Color Me Obsessed!

NAIL POLISH! -- my latest obsession.

Since clothing comes in sizes and I am uber pregnant , I have learned to feed my shopping addiction in the form of nail polish... I cant stop buying it! lol

Here are some of my favorite pics for Spring, and a couple favs that I just can't do without :)


I am a HUGE fan of the nude colors. Perfect for any look or any style.  It looks even better against the skin as we all start getting that nice summer tan :)


The pastel blue is new for me, but I must say I really really like it!  Its fresh, clean, and perfect for Spring :)  If your nervous about this one.....I say just go for it!  Forever21 has a a pastel blue for like $3, so you really have nothing to lose !


This was another one I wasn't too sure of at first ( reminded me too much of an Easter basket...LOL) ... but I'm glad I got over that, because now it's one of my favorites! Another pastel thats perfect for Spring and Summer :)


I can't get enough of the peach!!! It my absolute favorite and, like the nudes, the tanner you are the better it looks :)

Summer RED!

I say "summer RED" because as we all know there is a HUGE difference between the gorgeous dark winter RED and this vibrant bright summer RED!  Either way this HOT RED color is more or less a safety net.  No matter what... it always looks good!  It's in your best interest to always have this color in your stash!


I jumped on the "grey" bandwagon last Fall with a dark grey purchase.  But as we transcend into Spring and Summer grey is still around but in a light more fresh version, and I LOVE it!  I have even seen the metallic grey become more popular as the weather warms up too :)  Try em all!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wedding blues, with a side of hot fudge sundae please....

As it approaches nearly 10 pm on this Friday night I find comfort in a hot fudge sundae. Sadness sinks in as I realize my best friend in the whole world is getting married tomorrow and Im going to miss the whole thing.  Due to the fact that I am only 2 days away from my due date I am not allowed to fly let alone travel across the country :(

Maybe its just because I'm an overly emotional, uber huge, pregnant lady... but I didn't think it would be this hard.  As girls we start planning our weddings at what .. age 6? So after years of talking about how perfect this day would one day be for her...missing out on it just seems a little unreal!  Don't get me wrong... I couldn't be happier for her! I just wish I could be there for her on such an important day in her life!  (... ughh these prego emotions really have me sounding like a sap)

When did we all grow up?  Just yesterday we were playing "boys chase girls" on the playground at recess and now we are having babies and walking down the isle!  Crazy to sit back and think about how fast time goes by.....

At least I get to skype with her and the other girls tomorrow as they get ready! I'm hoping my emotions don't get the best of me and I can get through the whole thing, no tears! Orrrr even better scenario, maybe I'll go into labor and then I'll obviously be pre-occupied... haha wishful thinking...

Okay okay... enough of me throwing my own pity party.  It feels good to get that out though.

What it really comes down to is that my best friend is marrying the love of her life tomorrow and I wish them both all the happiness in the world :)

....Now back to this hot fudge sundae :) lol

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops.... my new worst nightmare!

NOTED : doing things to try and be the "cool" fiance doesn't always work out the way you had planned!

I recently bought my fiance a copy of the most recent version of Call of Duty: Black Ops for Xbox.  I figured he is so good to me and has been right by my side this whole pregnancy....he deserves it.  And plus it will give me some browny points with him and his buddies he plays online with!  I would be the "cool" fiance

Boy did it turn around and bite me in the ass!  I can't pry the kid away from the game for the life of me?  I have been replaced by a joystick ( correction... CONTROLLER ) and a headset!

Okay okay okay...i get it...its not the end of the world. Dudes will always play video games and I know I'm not the first woman to bitch about it....  I guess I just dont understand how a game where you can virtually never run out of lives, and all your doing is defending and capturing flags can be that much fun?  I mean its not even like you get new levels....He rotates between the 4 same settings all of the time? Super Mario bro's seems wayyy more intriguing!

I love when I come home ...and there he is..... hard at work.....capturing some flags...... hooray! lord help me! lol

If I have to hear " We lost Charlie", or "All areas secured , hold your positions"  on a daily basis for much longer.... i just might freak out! lol

Despite all of this.... i find it important to note.... I LOVE him to death :)

What do you want to be when you grow up??

We have all been asked this question at some point in our lives, right?  For most of us it first strikes when we are still in our single digit years and the response is rather irrelevant to the actual outcome.  However, what happens when we are finally "all grown up" and realize the question we were faced with some many years ago has resurfaced, but the only part missing is the most important part...the ANSWER!

This is the dilemma I find myself facing today.  I have ALWAYS known what I have wanted to do with my life.  I knew I wanted to get out of Ohio as soon as possible, and that California was where I needed to be  ( I even have pictures of LA and Hollywood plastered all over my 5th grade scrapbook).  I also knew that I wanted to be a business women.  When I was younger I used to think the image of success meant me in a dress suit, walking the streets of the city ( high rises in the background), on my cell phone managing clients and ordering some intern to " have the files on my desk by 4 or he's fired".

Well....although I am not in a position of power to order around any interns, I have achieved the rest! I live in California and my first territory with my job was downtown L.A.  I spend most of my day managing my current clients and trying to build rapport with potential new ones. Soooo why do I feel like its just not for me?  This is what i've always wanted right??

What happens when we have reached are goals in life and realize it is NOT what we wanted?  What becomes of all of the hard work we had to put in in order to get ourselves there?  Do we rough it out and hope things just get better even though we hate it, or do we say "scratch that" and start over to redeem our happiness?

So here I am ....all grown up, and all of a sudden I have NO idea what I want to be. Is this normal? Maybe I should have taken the question more seriously as a child?  I guess I'll just chalk it up to yet another speed bump in the road of life.  If anything thing is certain it is that I am back to square one with my search for professional happiness.  I have decided that I am too young to get myself too far into a career that I don't like. Maybe things will come around? Maybe its just phase? the meantime.... I am exploring my options...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

these next 7 days...

So.... as I approach the one week left mark of my pregnancy it all seems to be a bit surreal. I think about it and can't believe I have been pregnant for 9 whole months already, but at the same time, I feel like I have been pregnant forever? Either way it is all coming to an end soon. I feel that sometimes I have the mentality that pregnancy was just a stage? Like things are going to return to the way they were and my life will pick up exactly where it left off. I know, I know...this is 100% unrealistic, but I can't for some reason help but think it sometimes

Regardless, I embrace the new coming changes. Friday is my last day of work and I can finally go on maternity leave! YAY! Not that I don't like my job, its just not a fun job to do when your uber pregnant. I am an account executive for a company called Ricoh, which is basically just a fancy term for copier sales rep. Yes, I sell copiers... lol. So... needless to say you can imagine how walking the streets of Los Angeles from business to business at 9 months pregnant trying to solicit copier business is noooo fun! Im tired, cranky, hot, and tired of people staring at my belly. I have about 4 work outfits that fit me and at this just over it. haha!

I haven't decided whether or not I am going to take 12 weeks off right away or just take the initial 6 then 6 weeks again later. Its pretty sweet that here in California you can split them up like that!

As for everything else, I would say we are all ready, Crib -check, car seats -check, baby clothes - check....and the list goes on: check, check, check.... the only thing missing is the baby.

I have a strong feeling, despite the efforts of keeping myself busy, these next 7 days are going to CREEP by. The doctor says if I don't go into labor by 4/11.....the earliest they will induce will be 4/18! UGH a whole week later. The thought that I could potentially be pregnant for another 2 weeks is something I can't even fathom at this point. I am just sooooo ready for the pregnancy portion of this to be over. I want my baby girl and I want to be able to bend over again! lol Unfortunately they say first time moms usually average 41 weeks.....and of course, this will be my luck. Ugh im just too anxious for my own good.

This is a 3D ultrasound taken at about 27 weeks/ish:

Baby Mila or Lola ( havent decided yet....) What a freakin doll :) Now you can see why im dying to meet her!! lol

turning the page to a new chapter....

Hello All! I am new to this blogging concept but I figured that there is no better time in my life to start documenting the crazy world in which I live in than RIGHT NOW. You see, I am currently 22 years young and about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. The journey of motherhood. I am currently 39 weeks pregnant, and due April 11th with a baby girl. I am overly excited and absolutely cannot wait! At such a young age, being a mother is something that I am not even remotely close to knowing anything about. However I am embracing the transition with open arms, knowing fully well that my life is about to change drastically!

My Story:

I am originally from a small midwest town in Ohio. Its seriously the "small town" you see in movies or something. You just have to be there to understand. its one of those places where everybody knows everything about everyone. We have 2 bars and church, NO stoplights. LOL . Wal*Mart was the biggest thing to hit our town since the release of prohibition! It is safe to say i'm from "podunk". Now dont get me wrong, I love the fact that I am from such a small homey little town. Despite its extreme lack of diversity, it has made me the person I am today.

After high school I went to Bowling Green State University ( about 45 mins away from my hometown) where I obtained my bachelors degree in Interpersonal Communications with a focus in sales and marketing. Bowling Green was literally the best 3 1/2 years of my life! I made the most amazing friends and had the most amazing times. Bowling Green is mainly known for its rowdy student body and its unruly bar scene. I guess it'd be safe to say I definitely did my part in upholding the reputation of the university :) Although I had a blast, after 3 1/2 years it was evident my time in Ohio was coming to an end. I had begun to feel trapped and new that there was more to life the "bubble" in which I was living in. There was an exciting world out there,...I had read about it form time to time, and I wanted to be part of it. So I managed to finish my degree a semester early and decided it was time for me to make my move.... I was moving to L.A. <3 Literally 10 days after graduating from BGSU, I packed up my 2 door pontiac sunfire, and my dad and I hit the road.

Fast forward....... So I moved to LA and I actually moved in with a good friend/co-worker from college who had landed a job out here after graduation. Withing 4 months I had totally became engulfed in the "california girl" lifestyle. Hanging out at the beach, hollywood nightlife, and artsy evenings downtown were just a few things I was learning to grow accustom too. Too make things even better I had met a man..... a pretty hot one too :) Things were really starting to come together! We were having so much fun together and enjoyed each others company so much that we decided to move in with each other after only 3 months of dating. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but I thought.... "hey... I'm young, why not?" I had the " you wouldn't buy a pair of shoes without trying them on first"..."right?"

So we move into a cozy little beach Bungalow and are having the time of our lives, right? Checking out all the area bars, ordering in and drinking boxed wine, and doing what we want when we wanted. Pretty much living up the "honeymoon" stage of our relationship.

Then, one morning...( it was friday the 13th to be exact), we found out our frivolous lifestyle was about to come to a screaching halt! I was 6 weeks prego!!! I had a mild breakdown, but my boyfriend ( Jon ), was super supportive from the beginning. He was actually more excited than I was at first. Words cannot express how thankful I am to have him in my life, he has definitely helped to keep me sane through everything.

Fast forward......again.....I don't need to get into the nitty gritty about all of the ups and downs we have had during the past 8 months of my pregnancy. I have been your typical "crazy" pregnant lady. Mood swings, hot flashes, cravings, etc.... One second I am fine, the next the world is going to end if I dont get the house clean.... you know... the usual prego lady stuff. LOL

As we enter the home stretch our relationship is stronger and better than ever. We have already had to make so many changes in our lives but they are better made together :) I was a 22 year old party girl and he was a 25 year old carefree guy when we found out about our little love bug. Adjusting to pregnancy and a more domesticated lifestyle has not been easy. For me especially. I have what some people may call, "social dependancy issues" . I have a constant need to be socializing and having fun. Its an addiction. My social life was highly active. With the help of Mr.Cuervo, I was certain to be your best friend by the end of the night! So, needless to say,.... the transition of putting down the tequilla and, learning about "tummy time" has not been easy. Although its been an adjustment, I couldn't be happier! I am more than ready to welcome my sweet baby girl into the world. I honestly feel so blessed!

I am so excited to use this blog as a means of documenting my thoughts and experiences while making the transition into motherhood, and undergoing the process of becoming (what i call) "wife-d up". Concerns like "what am I going to wear tonight?", are going to be replaced with " when will I ever have time to shower?", Forever 21 will now be replaced by Babies-r-Us, and "learning how to cook" isn't just one of those things I say I'm gonna to do get my mom and grandma off my back! I currently have 7 days until my due date...things are about to get interesting :)

oh how the times have changed.....